Interacting with deployed smart contracts


This chapter shows how one can interact with deployed smart contracts.

Interaction is easiest through a Jupyter Notebook console where you can edit and run script snippets.


All snippets will connect to Ethereum node through a JSON RPC provider that has been configured in populus.json.

Getting Jupyter Notebook

Install it with pip in the activated Python virtual environment:

pip install jupyter

Then start Jupyter Notebook:

jupyter notebook

Transferring tokens


from decimal import Decimal
import populus
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from eth_utils import from_wei
from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name

# Which network we deployed our contract
chain_name = "mainnet"

# Owner account on geth
owner_address = "0x"

# Where did we deploy our token
contract_address = "0x"

receiver = "0x"

amount = Decimal("1.0")

project = populus.Project()

with project.get_chain(chain_name) as chain:

    web3 = chain.web3
    print("Web3 provider is", web3.providers[0])
    print("Owner address is", owner_address)
    print("Owner balance is", from_wei(web3.eth.getBalance(owner_address), "ether"), "ETH")

    # Goes through geth account unlock process if needed
    if is_account_locked(web3, owner_address):
        request_account_unlock(chain, owner_address, None)

    transaction = {"from": owner_address}
    FractionalERC20 = get_contract_by_name(chain, "FractionalERC20")

    token = FractionalERC20(address=contract_address)
    decimals =
    decimal_multiplier = 10 ** decimals

    print("Token has", decimals, "decimals")
    print("Owner token balance is", / decimal_multiplier)

    # Use lowest denominator amount
    normalized_amount = int(amount * decimal_multiplier)

    # Transfer the tokens
    txid = token.transact({"from": owner_address}).transfer(receiver, normalized_amount)
    print("TXID is", txid)
    check_succesful_tx(web3, txid)

Releasing a token

See deploy-contracts example how to deploy crowdsale token contracts that have a transfer lock up. The crowdsale tokens cannot be transferred until the release agent makes the token transferable. As we set our owner address as the release agent we can do this from Python console.

Then copy and edit the following snippet with your address information:

import populus
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from eth_utils import from_wei
from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name

# Which network we deployed our contract
chain_name = "ropsten"

# Owner account on geth
owner_address = "0x3c2d4e5eae8c4a31ccc56075b5fd81307b1627c6"

# Where did we deploy our token
contract_address = "0x513a7437d355293ac92d6912d9a8b257a343fb36"

project = populus.Project()

with project.get_chain(chain_name) as chain:

    web3 = chain.web3
    print("Web3 provider is", web3.providers[0])
    print("Owner address is", owner_address)
    print("Owner balance is", from_wei(web3.eth.getBalance(owner_address), "ether"), "ETH")

    # Goes through geth account unlock process if needed
    if is_account_locked(web3, owner_address):
        request_account_unlock(chain, owner_address, None)

    transaction = {"from": owner_address}
    Contract = get_contract_by_name(chain, "CrowdsaleToken")

    contract = Contract(address=contract_address)
    print("Attempting to release the token transfer")
    txid = contract.transact(transaction).releaseTokenTransfer()
    print("TXID", txid)
    check_succesful_tx(web3, txid)
    print("Token released")

Transfering tokens

We have deployed a crowdsale token and made it transferable as above. Now let’s transfer some tokens to our friend in Ropsten testnet.

  • We create a Ropsten testnet wallet on - in this example our MyEtherWallet address is 0x47FcAB60823D13B73F372b689faA9D3e8b0C48b5
  • We include our deployed token contract there through Add Custom Token button
  • Now let’s transfer some tokens into this wallet through IPython console from our owner account
import populus
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from eth_utils import from_wei
from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name

# Which network we deployed our contract
chain_name = "ropsten"

# Owner account on geth
owner_address = "0x3c2d4e5eae8c4a31ccc56075b5fd81307b1627c6"

# Where did we deploy our token
contract_address = "0x513a7437d355293ac92d6912d9a8b257a343fb36"

# The address where we are transfering tokens into
buddy_address = "0x47FcAB60823D13B73F372b689faA9D3e8b0C48b5"

# How many tokens we transfer
amount = 1000

project = populus.Project()

with project.get_chain(chain_name) as chain:

    Contract = get_contract_by_name(chain, "CrowdsaleToken")
    contract = Contract(address=contract_address)

    web3 = chain.web3
    print("Web3 provider is", web3.providers[0])
    print("Owner address is", owner_address)
    print("Owner balance is", from_wei(web3.eth.getBalance(owner_address), "ether"), "ETH")
    print("Owner token balance is",

    # Goes through geth account unlock process if needed
    if is_account_locked(web3, owner_address):
        request_account_unlock(chain, owner_address, None)

    transaction = {"from": owner_address}

    print("Attempting to transfer some tokens to our MyEtherWallet account")
    txid = contract.transact(transaction).transfer(buddy_address, amount)
    check_succesful_tx(web3, txid)
    print("Transfered", amount, "tokens to", buddy_address, "in transaction{}".format(txid))

We get output like:

Web3 provider is RPC connection
Owner address is 0x3c2d4e5eae8c4a31ccc56075b5fd81307b1627c6
Owner balance is 1512.397773239968990885 ETH
Owner token balance is 99000
Attempting to transfer some tokens to our MyEtherWallet account
Transfered 1000 tokens to 0x47FcAB60823D13B73F372b689faA9D3e8b0C48b5 in transaction

MyEtherWallet transfer confirmation

And then finally we see tokens in our MyEtherWallet:


Setting the actual ICO contract for a pre-ICO contract

Example setting the ICO contract for a presale:

from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name
import populus
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked

p = populus.Project()
account = "0xd58550a50161edf805a25431fc0bb850ff160bad"

with p.get_chain("mainnet") as chain:
    web3 = chain.web3
    Contract = get_contract_by_name(chain, "PresaleFundCollector")
    contract = Contract(address="0x858759541633d5142855b27f16f5f67ea78654bf")

    if is_account_locked(web3, account):
        request_account_unlock(chain, account, None)

    txid = contract.transact({"from": account}).setCrowdsale("0xb57d88c2f70150cb688da7b1d749f1b1b4d72f4c")
    print("TXID is", txid)
    check_succesful_tx(web3, txid)

Example triggering the funds transfer to ICO:

from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name
import populus
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked

p = populus.Project()
account = "0xd58550a50161edf805a25431fc0bb850ff160bad"

with p.get_chain("mainnet") as chain:
    web3 = chain.web3
    Contract = get_contract_by_name(chain, "PresaleFundCollector")
    contract = Contract(address="0x858759541633d5142855b27f16f5f67ea78654bf")

    if is_account_locked(web3, account):
        request_account_unlock(chain, account, None)

    txid = contract.transact({"from": account}).participateCrowdsaleAll()
    print("TXID is", txid)
    check_succesful_tx(web3, txid)

Whitelisting crowdsale participants

Here is an example how to whitelist ICO participants before the ICO beings:

from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name
import populus
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked

p = populus.Project()
account = "0x001FC7d7E506866aEAB82C11dA515E9DD6D02c25"  # Our controller account on Kovan

with p.get_chain("kovan") as chain:
    web3 = chain.web3
    Contract = get_contract_by_name(chain, "Crowdsale")
    contract = Contract(address="0x06829437859594e19276f87df601436ef55af4f2")

    if is_account_locked(web3, account):
        request_account_unlock(chain, account, None)

    txid = contract.transact({"from": account}).setEarlyParicipantWhitelist("0x65cbd9a48c366f66958196b0a2af81fc73987ba3", True)
    print("TXID is", txid)
    check_succesful_tx(web3, txid)

Change pricing strategy

To mix fat finger errors:

from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name
import populus
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked

p = populus.Project()
account = "0x"  # Our controller account on Kovan

with p.get_chain("mainnet") as chain:
    web3 = chain.web3
    Contract = get_contract_by_name(chain, "Crowdsale")
    contract = Contract(address="0x")

    if is_account_locked(web3, account):
        request_account_unlock(chain, account, None)

    txid = contract.transact({"from": account}).setPricingStrategy("0x")
    print("TXID is", txid)
    check_succesful_tx(web3, txid)

Test buy token

Try to buy from a whitelisted address or on a testnet with a generated customer id:

from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name
import populus
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked
from eth_utils import to_wei

import uuid

p = populus.Project()
account = "0x"  # Our controller account on Kovan

with p.get_chain("kovan") as chain:
    web3 = chain.web3
    Contract = get_contract_by_name(chain, "Crowdsale")
    contract = Contract(address="0x")

    if is_account_locked(web3, account):
        request_account_unlock(chain, account, None)

    customer_id = int(uuid.uuid4().hex, 16)  # Customer ids are 128-bit UUID v4

    txid = contract.transact({"from": account, "value": to_wei(2, "ether")}).buy()
    print("TXID is", txid)
    check_succesful_tx(web3, txid)

Halt payment forwarder

After a token sale is ended, stop ETH payment forwarder.

from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name
import populus
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked
from eth_utils import to_wei

import uuid

p = populus.Project()
account = "0x"  # Our controller account on Kovan

with p.get_chain("mainnet") as chain:
    web3 = chain.web3
    Contract = get_contract_by_name(chain, "PaymentForwarder")
    contract = Contract(address="0x")

    if is_account_locked(web3, account):
        request_account_unlock(chain, account, None)

    initial_gas_price = web3.eth.gasPrice
    txid = contract.transact({"from": account, "gasPrice": initial_gas_price*5}).halt()
    print("TXID is", txid)
    check_succesful_tx(web3, txid)

Getting data field value for a function call

You can get the function signature (data field payload for a tranaction) for any smart contract function using the following:

from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name
import populus
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked
from eth_utils import to_wei

import uuid

p = populus.Project()
account = "0x"  # Our controller account on Kovan

with p.get_chain("kovan") as chain:
    web3 = chain.web3
    Contract = get_contract_by_name(chain, "PreICOProxyBuyer")
    # contract = Contract(address="0x")

    sig_data = Contract._prepare_transaction("claimAll")
    print("Data payload is", sig_data["data"])

Set early participant pricing

Set pricing data for early investors using PresaleFundCollector + MilestonePricing contracts.

from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name
import populus
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked
from eth_utils import to_wei, from_wei

# The base price for which we are giving discount %
RETAIL_PRICE = 0.0005909090909090909

# contract, price tuples
    # 40% bonus tier
    ("0x78c6b7f1f5259406be3bc73eca1eaa859471b9f3", to_wei(RETAIL_PRICE * 1/1.4, "ether")),

    # 35% tier A
    ("0x6022c6c5de7c4ab22b070c36c3d5763669777f68", to_wei(RETAIL_PRICE * 1/1.35, "ether")),

    # 35% tier B
    ("0xd3fa03c67cfba062325cb6f4f4b5c1e642f1cffe", to_wei(RETAIL_PRICE * 1/1.35, "ether")),

    # 35% tier C
    ("0x9259b4e90c5980ad2cb16d685254c859f5eddde5", to_wei(RETAIL_PRICE * 1/1.35, "ether")),

    # 25% tier
    ("0xee3dfe33e53deb5256f31f63a59cffd14c94019d", to_wei(RETAIL_PRICE * 1/1.25, "ether")),

    # 25% tier B
    ("0x2d3a6cf3172f967834b59709a12d8b415465bb4c", to_wei(RETAIL_PRICE * 1/1.25, "ether")),

    # 25% tier C
    ("0x70b0505c0653e0fed13d2f0924ad63cdf39edefe", to_wei(RETAIL_PRICE * 1/1.25, "ether")),

    # 25% tier D
    ("0x7cfe55c0084bac03170ddf5da070aa455ca1b97d", to_wei(RETAIL_PRICE * 1/1.25, "ether")),

p = populus.Project()
deploy_address = "0xe6b645a707005bb4086fa1e366fb82d59256f225"  # Our controller account on mainnet
pricing_strategy_address  = "0x9321a0297cde2f181926e9e6ac5c4f1d97c8f9d0"
crowdsale_address = "0xaa817e98ef1afd4946894c4476c1d01382c154e1"

with p.get_chain("mainnet") as chain:
    web3 = chain.web3

    # Safety check that Crodsale is using our pricing strategy
    Crowdsale = get_contract_by_name(chain, "Crowdsale")
    crowdsale = Crowdsale(address=crowdsale_address)
    assert == pricing_strategy_address

    # Get owner access to pricing
    MilestonePricing = get_contract_by_name(chain, "MilestonePricing")
    pricing_strategy = MilestonePricing(address=pricing_strategy_address)

    PresaleFundCollector = get_contract_by_name(chain, "PresaleFundCollector")
    for preico_address, price_wei_per_token in PREICO_TIERS:

        eth_price = from_wei(price_wei_per_token, "ether")
        tokens_per_eth = 1 / eth_price
        print("Tier", preico_address, "price per token", eth_price, "tokens per eth", round(tokens_per_eth, 2))

        # Check presale contract is valid
        presale = PresaleFundCollector(address=preico_address)
        assert > 0, "No investors on contract {}".format(preico_address)

        txid = pricing_strategy.transact({"from": deploy_address}).setPreicoAddress(preico_address, price_wei_per_token)
        print("TX is", txid)
        check_succesful_tx(web3, txid)

Move early participant funds to crowdsale

Move early participant funds from PresaleFundCollector to crowdsale.


from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name
import populus
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked
from eth_utils import to_wei, from_wei
from ico.earlypresale import participate_early

presale_addresses = [

p = populus.Project()
deploy_address = "0x"  # Our controller account on mainnet
pricing_strategy_address = "0x"
crowdsale_address = "0x"

with p.get_chain("mainnet") as chain:
    web3 = chain.web3

    Crowdsale = get_contract_by_name(chain, "Crowdsale")
    crowdsale = Crowdsale(address=crowdsale_address)

    for presale_address in presale_addresses:
        print("Processing contract", presale_address)
        participate_early(chain, web3, presale_address, crowdsale_address, deploy_address, timeout=3600)
        print("Crowdsale collected", / 10**18, "tokens sold", / 10**8, "money left", from_wei(web3.eth.getBalance(deploy_address), "ether"))

Triggering presale proxy buy contract

Move funds from the proxy buy contract to the actual crowdsale.

from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name
import populus
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked
from eth_utils import to_wei, from_wei

p = populus.Project()
deploy_address = "0x"  # Our controller account on mainnet
proxy_buy_address  = "0x"
crowdsale_address = "0x"

with p.get_chain("mainnet") as chain:
    web3 = chain.web3

    # Safety check that Crodsale is using our pricing strategy
    Crowdsale = get_contract_by_name(chain, "Crowdsale")
    crowdsale = Crowdsale(address=crowdsale_address)

    # Make sure we are getting special price
    EthTranchePricing = get_contract_by_name(chain, "EthTranchePricing")
    pricing_strategy = EthTranchePricing(
    assert == True
    assert > 0

    # Get owner access to pricing
    PreICOProxyBuyer = get_contract_by_name(chain, "PreICOProxyBuyer")
    proxy_buy = PreICOProxyBuyer(address=proxy_buy_address)
    # txid = proxy_buy.transact({"from": deploy_address}).setCrowdsale(crowdsale.address)
    # print("TXID", txid)

    txid = proxy_buy.transact({"from": deploy_address}).buyForEverybody()
    print("Buy txid", txid)

Resetting token sale end time

The token sale owner might want to reset the end date. This can happen in the case the crowdsale has ended and tokens could not be fully sold, because of fractions. Alternatively, a manual soft cap is invoked because no more money is coming in and it makes sense to close the token sale.

import populus
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked
from eth_utils import to_wei, from_wei
from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name

p = populus.Project()
deploy_address = "0x"  # Our controller account on mainnet
crowdsale_address = "0x"

with p.get_chain("mainnet") as chain:
    web3 = chain.web3

    block = web3.eth.getBlock('latest')
    timestamp = block["timestamp"]

    # 15 minutes in the future
    closing_time = int(timestamp + 15*60)

    # Safety check that Crodsale is using our pricing strategy
    Crowdsale = get_contract_by_name(chain, "Crowdsale")
    crowdsale = Crowdsale(address=crowdsale_address)
    txid = crowdsale.transact({"from": deploy_address}).setEndsAt(closing_time)

Finalizing a crowdsale


import populus
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked
from eth_utils import to_wei, from_wei
from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name

p = populus.Project()
deploy_address = "0x"  # Our controller account on mainnet
crowdsale_address = "0x"
team_multisig = "0x"

with p.get_chain("mainnet") as chain:
    web3 = chain.web3

    Crowdsale = get_contract_by_name(chain, "Crowdsale")
    crowdsale = Crowdsale(address=crowdsale_address)

    BonusFinalizeAgent = get_contract_by_name(chain, "BonusFinalizeAgent")
    finalize_agent = BonusFinalizeAgent(
    assert == team_multisig
    assert > 1000

    # Safety check that Crodsale is using our pricing strategy
    txid = crowdsale.transact({"from": deploy_address}).finalize()
    print("Finalize txid is", txid)
    check_succesful_tx(web3, txid)

Send ends at


from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name
import populus
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked

p = populus.Project()
account = "0x4af893ee43a0aa328090bcf164dfa535a1619c3a"  # Our controller account on Kovan

with p.get_chain("mainnet") as chain:
    web3 = chain.web3
    Contract = get_contract_by_name(chain, "Crowdsale")
    contract = Contract(address="0x0FB81a518dCa5495986C5c2ec29e989390e0E406")

    if is_account_locked(web3, account):
        request_account_unlock(chain, account, None)

    txid = contract.transact({"from": account}).setEndsAt(1498631400)
    print("TXID is", txid)
    check_succesful_tx(web3, txid)

Approving tokens for issuer

Usually you need to approve() tokens for a bounty distribution or similar distribution contract (Issuer.sol). Here is an example.


import populus
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked

from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name

p = populus.Project()
account = "0x"  # Our controller account
issuer_contract = "0x"  # Issuer contract who needs tokens
normalized_amount = int("123000000000000")  # Amount of tokens, decimal points unrolled
token_address = "0x"  # The token contract whose tokens we are dealing with

with p.get_chain("mainnet") as chain:
    web3 = chain.web3
    Token = get_contract_by_name(chain, "CrowdsaleToken")
    token = Token(address=token_address)

    if is_account_locked(web3, account):
        request_account_unlock(chain, account, None)

    print("Approving ", normalized_amount, "raw tokens")

    txid = token.transact({"from": account}).approve(issuer_contract, normalized_amount)
    print("TXID is", txid)
    check_succesful_tx(web3, txid)

Whitelisting transfer agent

Token owner sets extra transfer agents to allow test tranfers for a locked up token.


from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name
import populus
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked

p = populus.Project()
account = "0x51b9311eb6ec8beb049dafeafe389ee2818b1b20"  # Our controller account

with p.get_chain("mainnet") as chain:
    web3 = chain.web3
    Token = get_contract_by_name(chain, "CrowdsaleToken")
    token = Token(address="0x")

    if is_account_locked(web3, account):
        request_account_unlock(chain, account, None)

    txid = token.transact({"from": account}).setTransferAgent("0x", True)
    print("TXID is", txid)
    check_succesful_tx(web3, txid)

Reset token name and symbol

Update name and symbol info of a token. There are several reasons why this information might not be immutable, like trademark rules.


import populus
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked
from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name

p = populus.Project()
account = "0x"  # Our controller account

with p.get_chain("mainnet") as chain:
    web3 = chain.web3
    Token = get_contract_by_name(chain, "CrowdsaleToken")
    token = Token(address="0x")

    if is_account_locked(web3, account):
        request_account_unlock(chain, account, None)

    txid = token.transact({"from": account}).setTokenInformation("Tokenizer", "TOKE")
    print("TXID is", txid)
    check_succesful_tx(web3, txid)

Read crowdsale variables

Read a crowdsale contract variable.


from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name
import populus
from populus.utils.cli  import request_account_unlock
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked

p = populus.Project()

with p.get_chain("mainnet") as chain:
    web3 = chain.web3
    Crowdsale = get_contract_by_name(chain, "Crowdsale")
    crowdsale = Crowdsale(address="0x")

    print( / (10**18))

Reset token name and symbol

Update name and symbol info of a token. There are several reasons why this information might not be immutable, like trademark rules.


import populus
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked
from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name

p = populus.Project()
account = "0x"  # Our controller account

with p.get_chain("mainnet") as chain:
    web3 = chain.web3
    Token = get_contract_by_name(chain, "CrowdsaleToken")
    token = Token(address="0x")

    if is_account_locked(web3, account):
        request_account_unlock(chain, account, None)

    txid = token.transact({"from": account}).setTokenInformation("Tokenizer", "TOKE")
    print("TXID is", txid)
    check_succesful_tx(web3, txid)

Reset upgrade master

upgradeMaster is the address who is allowed to set the upgrade path for the token. Originally it may be the deployment account, but you must likely want to move it to be the team multisig wallet.


import populus
from populus.utils.cli import request_account_unlock
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked
from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name

p = populus.Project()

account = "0x"  # Our deployment account

team_multisig  = "0x"  # Gnosis wallet address

token_address = "0x"  # Token contract address

with p.get_chain("mainnet") as chain:
    web3 = chain.web3
    Token = get_contract_by_name(chain, "CrowdsaleToken")
    token = Token(address=token_address)

    if is_account_locked(web3, account):
        request_account_unlock(chain, account, None)

    txid = token.transact({"from": account}).setUpgradeMaster(team_multisig)
    print("TXID is", txid)
    check_succesful_tx(web3, txid)

Participating presale

You can test presale proxy buy participation.


from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name
import populus
from populus.utils.cli  import request_account_unlock
from populus.utils.accounts import is_account_locked
from eth_utils import to_wei

p = populus.Project()

with p.get_chain("kovan") as chain:
    web3 = chain.web3

    PreICOProxyBuyer = get_contract_by_name(chain, "PreICOProxyBuyer")
    presale = PreICOProxyBuyer(address="0x4fe8b625118a212e56d301e0f748505504d41377")

    print("Presale owner is",
    print("Presale state is",

    # Make sure minimum buy in threshold is exceeeded in the value
    txid = presale.transact({"from": "0x001fc7d7e506866aeab82c11da515e9dd6d02c25", "value": to_wei(40, "ether")}).invest()
    print("TXID", txid)
    check_succesful_tx(web3, txid)

Distributing bounties

There are two commands to support token bounty distribution

  • combine-csvs allows to merge externally managed bountry distribution sheets to one combined CSV distribution file
  • distribute-tokens deploys an issuer contract and handles the token transfers


  • An account with gas money
  • A token contract address
  • CSV files for the token distribution (Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, translations, etc.)
  • A multisig wallet holding the source tokens

Merge any CSV files

Merge any or a single CSV files using combine-csvs. This command will validate input Ethereum addresses and merge any duplicate transactions to a single address to one transaction.

Deploy issuer contract


distribute-tokens --chain=mainnet --address=0x1e10231145c0b670e9ee5a7f5b47172afa3b6186 --token=0x5af2be193a6abca9c8817001f45744777db30756 --csv-file=combined.csv --address-column="Ethereum address" --amount-column="Total reward" --master-address=0x9a60ad6de185c4ea95058601beaf16f63742782a

Give approve() for the issuer contract

Use the multisig wallet to approve() the token distribution.

Run the issuance


distribute-tokens --chain=mainnet --address=0x1e10231145c0b670e9ee5a7f5b47172afa3b6186 --token=0x5af2be193a6abca9c8817001f45744777db30756 --csv-file=combined-bqx.csv --address-column="Ethereum address" --amount-column="Total reward" --master-address=0x9a60ad6de185c4ea95058601beaf16f63742782a --issuer-address=0x78d30c42a5f9fb19df60768e4c867b697e24b615

Extracting Ethereum transaction data payload from a function signature

This allows you to see what goes into an Ethereum transaction data field payload, when you call a smart contract function in a transaction.


import populus
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name

p = populus.Project()

with p.get_chain("kovan") as chain:

    contract = get_contract_by_name(chain, "PreICOProxyBuyer")

    # With arguments
    # contract._prepare_transaction("refund", fn_kwargs={"customerId": raw_id})

    function = "refund"
    # Without arguments
    # Get a Dayta payload for calling a contract function refund()
    sig_data = contract._prepare_transaction(function)
    print("Data payload for {}() is {}".format(function, sig_data["data"]))

Splitting a payment

Call PaymentSplitter contract to split the money amount the participants.


import populus
import binascii
from ico.utils import check_succesful_tx
from ico.utils import get_contract_by_name

p = populus.Project()

with p.get_chain("mainnet") as chain:

    PaymentSplitter = get_contract_by_name(chain, "PaymentSplitter")
    web3 = chain.web3

    splitter = PaymentSplitter(address="...")
    txid = splitter.transact({"from": "..."}).split()
    print("TXID", binascii.hexlify(txid))
    check_succesful_tx(web3, txid)