Command line commands


ico package provides tooling around deploying and managing token sales and related tasks.

Here are listed some of the available command line commands. For full list see [console-scripts] section.

All commands read populus.json file for the chain configuration from the current working directory. The chain configuration should set up a Web3 HTTP provider how command line command talks to an Ethereum node. The Ethereum node must have an address with ETH balance for the operations. For more information see Chain configuration.

The most important command is deploy-contracts that allows scripted and orchestrated deployment of multiple related Ethereum smart contracts.


Scripted deployment of multiple related Ethereum smart contracts.

  • Deploy contracts
  • Automatically verify contracts on EtherScan
  • Link contracts together
  • Set common parameters
  • Verify contracts have been deployed correctly through assert mechanism

See also Contract source code verification.

Example YAML deployment scripts


Usage: deploy-contracts [OPTIONS]

  Makes a scripted multiple contracts deployed based on a YAML file.

  Reads the chain configuration information from populus.json. The resulting
  deployed contracts can be automatically verified on

  Example files:




  --deployment-name TEXT  Project section id inside the YAML file. The topmost
                          YAML key. Example YAML files use "mainnet" or
                          "kovan".  [required]
  --deployment-file TEXT  Deployment script YAML .yml file to process
  --address TEXT          Your Ethereum account that is the owner of
                          deployment and pays the gas cost. This account must
                          exist on Ethereum node we connect to. Connection
                          parameteres, port and IP, are defined in
                          populus.json.  [required]
  --help                  Show this message and exit.


Deploy a single token contract.


This command is depracated. Instead, use deploy-contracts command. See example here.

Example usage:

deploy-token --help
Usage: deploy-token [OPTIONS]

  Deploy a single crowdsale token contract.


  deploy-token --chain=ropsten
  --address=0x3c2d4e5eae8c4a31ccc56075b5fd81307b1627c6 --name="MikkoToken
  2.0" --symbol=MOO --release-
  agent=0x3c2d4e5eae8c4a31ccc56075b5fd81307b1627c6  --supply=100000

  deploy-token --chain=kovan --contract-name="CentrallyIssuedToken"
  --address=0x001FC7d7E506866aEAB82C11dA515E9DD6D02c25  --name="TestToken"
  --symbol=MOO --supply=916 --decimals=0 --verify --verify-

  --chain TEXT            On which chain to deploy - see populus.json
  --address TEXT          Address to deploy from and who becomes as a owner
                          (must exist on geth)  [required]
  --contract-name TEXT    Name of the token contract
  --release-agent TEXT    Address that acts as a release agent (can be same as
  --minting-agent TEXT    Address that acts as a minting agent (can be same as
  --name TEXT             Token name  [required]
  --symbol TEXT           Token symbol  [required]
  --supply INTEGER        Initial token supply (multipled with decimals)
  --decimals INTEGER      How many decimal points the token has
  --verify / --no-verify  Verify contract on
  --verify-filename TEXT  Solidity source file of the token contract for
  --master-address TEXT   Move tokens and upgrade master to this account
  --help                  Show this message and exit.



Usage: distribute-tokens [OPTIONS]

  Distribute tokens to centrally issued crowdsale participant or bounty
  program participants.

  Reads in distribution data as CSV. Then uses Issuer contract to distribute
  tokens. All token counts are multiplied by token contract decimal
  specifier. E.g. if CSV has amount 15.5, token has 2 decimal places, we
  will issue out 1550 raw token amount.

  To speed up the issuance, transactions are verified in batches. Each batch
  is 16 transactions at a time.

  Example (first run):

      distribute-tokens --chain=kovan
      --token=0x1644a421ae0a0869bac127fa4cce8513bd666705 --master-
      address=0x9a60ad6de185c4ea95058601beaf16f63742782a --csv-
      file=input.csv --allow-zero --address-column="Ethereum address"
      --amount-column="Token amount"

  Example (second run, continue after first run was interrupted):

      distribute-tokens --chain=kovan
      --token=0x1644a421ae0a0869bac127fa4cce8513bd666705 --csv-
      file=input.csv --allow-zero --address-column="Ethereum address"
      --amount-column="Token amount" --issuer-

  --chain TEXT                    On which chain to deploy - see populus.json
  --address TEXT                  The account that deploys the issuer
                                  contract, controls the contract and pays for
                                  the gas fees  [required]
  --token TEXT                    Token contract address  [required]
  --csv-file TEXT                 CSV file containing distribution data
  --address-column TEXT           Name of CSV column containing Ethereum
  --amount-column TEXT            Name of CSV column containing decimal token
  --limit INTEGER                 How many items to import in this batch
  --start-from INTEGER            First row to import (zero based)
  --issuer-address TEXT           The address of the issuer contract - leave
                                  out for the first run to deploy a new issuer
  --master-address TEXT           The team multisig wallet address that does
                                  StandardToken.approve() for the issuer
  --allow-zero / --no-allow-zero  Stops the script if a zero amount row is
  --help                          Show this message and exit.



token-vault --help
Usage: token-vault [OPTIONS]

  TokenVault control script.

  1) Deploys a token vault contract

  2) Reads in distribution data as CSV

  3) Locks vault

  --action TEXT                   One of: deploy, load, lock
  --chain TEXT                    On which chain to deploy - see populus.json
  --address TEXT                  The account that deploys the vault contract,
                                  controls the contract and pays for the gas
                                  fees  [required]
  --token-address TEXT            Token contract address  [required]
  --csv-file TEXT                 CSV file containing distribution data
  --address-column TEXT           Name of CSV column containing Ethereum
  --amount-column TEXT            Name of CSV column containing decimal token
  --limit INTEGER                 How many items to import in this batch
  --start-from INTEGER            First row to import (zero based)
  --vault-address TEXT            The address of the vault contract - leave
                                  out for the first run to deploy a new issuer
  --freeze-ends-at INTEGER        UNIX timestamp when vault freeze ends for
  --tokens-to-be-allocated INTEGER
                                  Manually verified count of tokens to be set
                                  in the vault
  --help                          Show this message and exit.



combine-csvs --help
Usage: combine-csvs [OPTIONS]

  Combine multiple token distribution CSV files to a single CSV file good
  for an Issuer contract.

  - Input is a CSV file having columns Ethereum address, number of tokens

  - Round all tokens to the same decimal precision

  - Combine multiple transactions to a single address to one transaction

  Example of cleaning up one file:

      combine-csvs --input-file=csvs/bounties-unclean.csv --output-
      file=combine.csv --decimals=8 --address-column="address" --amount-

  Another example - combine all CSV files in a folder using zsh shell:

      combine-csvs csvs/*.csv(P:--input-file:) --output-file=combined.csv
      --decimals=8 --address-column="Ethereum address" --amount-
      column="Total reward"

  --input-file TEXT      CSV file to read and combine. It should be given
                         multiple times for different files.  [required]
  --output-file TEXT     A CSV file to write the output  [required]
  --decimals INTEGER     A number of decimal points to use  [required]
  --address-column TEXT  Name of CSV column containing Ethereum addresses
  --amount-column TEXT   Name of CSV column containing decimal token amounts
  --help                 Show this message and exit.